Funny Hand Puns

110+ Funny Hand Puns and Jokes That Win Hands-Down!

Hand puns are a playful and innovative manner to feature some humor to ordinary conversations. whether it’s a witty play on phrases or a smart twist on hand-associated phrases, hand puns can deliver a grin to human beings’s faces. From jokes approximately high fives to palm readings, there’s no scarcity of punny possibilities when it comes to hands.

So, in case you’re seeking to inject a few laughter into your day or entertain your buddies, hand puns are an amazing choice. Get equipped to tickle your humorous bone with those smart and fun puns.

Funny Hand Puns and Jokes

Here are 68 hand puns and jokes for you:

1. I hand it to you, you genuinely nailed that joke!

2. My hand is waving hey, however it’s now not getting any excessive fives.

3. Handshakes are a great way to satisfy and greet, but palmshakes are even higher.

4. Did you hear approximately the hand that received the lottery? It turned into all within the palm of its hand.

5. I’m seeking to catch someone’s interest, but I guess my hand gestures are too diffused.

6. My hand likes to do magic tricks. It’s quite a sleight of hand artist.

7. My hand is feeling a bit lonely. It could use a high five.

8. My hand likes to dance. It’s got some serious finger-tapping moves.

9. My hand is a natural comedian. It’s always pulling funny faces.

10. My hand has a wonderful sense of humor. It’s usually tickling my funny bone.

11. My hand loves a good joke. It’s always giving a hearty handshake to humor.

12. My hand likes to get a round of applause. It’s a real attention seeker.

13. My hand is practicing its stand-up routine. It’s got a good grip on comedy.

14. I hand it to you, you really nailed that joke!

15. My hand loves a good laugh. It’s always raising the laughter bar.

16. Why did the hand go to the party? It wanted to “wave” hello!

17. What did one hand say to the opposite hand? “I glove you!”

18. Why did the hand move the road? To excessive-five the fowl!

19. What did the left hand say to the right hand? “We make a superb pair!”

20. Why did the hand get a medal? It was exceptional in its subject!

21. How does a hand feel after an extended day of labor? reachable!

22. What do you name a hand that’s good at math? A count-ing hand!

23. How do hands greet each other? They give a firm handshake!

24. Why did the hand go to art school? It wanted to draw attention!

25. What’s a hand’s favorite dance move? The “hand jive”!

26. How did the hand win the poker game? It had all the “aces” up its sleeve!

27. What’s a hand’s favorite dessert? Finger-lickin’ good cake!

28. Why was the hand always happy? It was always giving a helping hand!

29. Why did the hand get a medal? It was the best in its field!

30. How does a hand text? It uses its “palm” to send messages!

31. Why did the hand be part of the circus? It desired to be the “hand-balancing” act!

32. What do you call a hand that’s always at the beach? A “sandy” hand!

33. How do palms play cover-and-are trying to find? They give each other a thumbs-up signal!

34. What’s a hand’s preferred exercise? Palm Pilates!

35. Why did the hand visit the spa? It desired a chilled palm reading!

36. What’s a hand’s favourite movie style? Palm-tastic comedies!

37. How did the hand cut up with its accomplice? It gave them the “finger”!

38. What do you call a hand that’s true at telling tales? A palm-reader!

39. Why did the hand carry a ladder to the store? It wanted to attain the “high-fives”!

40. What did one hand say to the alternative hand at the party? “let’s have a clap-tastic time!”

41. Why did the hand need to turn out to be a musician? It had a wonderful experience of “rhythm”!

42. How does a hand write a love letter? With plenty of “handwriting”!

43. Why did the hand visit the concert? It wanted to offer the band a round of applause!

44. How does a hand win an issue? It provides a “hand”-ful of proof!

45. Why did the hand wear sun shades? It desired to be “hand”-a few and guard its eyes from the solar!

46. How do palms play video games? They use their “button”-like hands to manipulate the movement!

47. What’s a hand’s favourite tool? The “hand”-drums!

Hand Puns

48. Why did the hand deliver a dictionary to the celebration? It wanted to put words “hand” in hand!

49. What do you name a hand that’s usually overdue? A “hand”ful of excuses!

50. How do hands play cards? They “deal” with it!

51. Why did the hand visit the bakery? It wanted to get a “hand”le on a few clean bread!

52. What do you call a hand that’s been running out? A “hand”a few muscle system!

53. How did the hand win the cooking opposition? It had the “top hand” with its culinary capabilities!

54. Why did the hand deliver a ladder to the birthday party? It wanted to be the “hand” of the decorations!

55. What’s a hand’s favored superhero? Spider-“hand”!

56. Why did the hand become a health practitioner? It desired to be a “supporting hand” in the clinical subject!

57. How do hands deliver every other a praise? they are saying, “You’re the high-quality factor I’ve ever ‘grasped’!”

58. What did the hand say to the face mask? “I’ve were given you ‘included’!”

59. Why did the hand go to the fitness center? It wanted to emerge as a “hand”lebar mustache!

60. What did one hand puppet say to the alternative? “You’re a ‘hand’-some one!”

61. How do arms speak in mystery? They use “finger”-coding!

62. Why did the hand turn out to be a attorney? It was brilliant at “hand”-ling objections!

63. What do you name a hand that’s actually rapid? A “quick” hand!!

64. How did the hand win the expertise display? It placed on a “hand”-stand performance!

65. Why did the hand emerge as a detective? It changed into properly at “hand”-ling clues!

66. What’s a hand’s favourite recreation? Rock, paper, “scissors”!

67. How do hands have fun Halloween? They wear “finger” costumes!

68. Why did the hand want to be a chef? It had a knack for “hand”-ling ingredients with care!

See also 60+ Funny Light Puns And Jokes

Hand Puns For Instagram

Here are 15 hand puns on your Instagram:

1. “I asked my hand why it’s so precise at writing. It answered, ‘I’ve got a ‘write’ hand!’”

2. “Did you hear approximately the hand that gained the race? It had a ‘hand’s-down’ advantage!”

3. “What did the hand say to the face? ‘Slapstick comedy is right at our ‘fingertips’!’”

4. “Why become the hand usually skipping elegance? It couldn’t take care of the ‘palm’-attempt workload!”

5. “Why did the hand visit the celebration? To ‘wave’ good day to anyone!”

6. “What did one hand puppet say to the opposite? ‘You’re a ‘hand’-some one!’”

Funny Hand Puns

7. “Why became the hand constantly fearful? It had a ‘palm’ sweating hassle!”

8. “What do you name a clumsy hand? A ‘fumble’ hand!”

9. “Why did the hand go to the spa? It wished a little ‘pampering’!”

10. “How do arms want to talk? They ‘glove’ to send textual content messages!”

11. “What do you call a hand that may play music? A ‘handel’ of skills!”

12. “Why did the hand move on strike? It desired better ‘running situations’!”

13. “What did the hand say to the face mask?‘I’ve got you ‘covered’!’”

14. “Why did the hand take up knitting? It desired to ‘resolve’ a new hobby!”

15. “What do you call a hand that’s always fortunate? A ‘winning hand’!”

Best Handy Pun For Captions

Here are 20 hand puns captions for you:

1. “I desired to turn out to be a palm reader, but I couldn’t deal with the future!”

2. “Why did the hand pass to highschool? To get a ‘grip’ on education!”

3. “What did the finger say to the thumb? ‘I’m in ‘awe’ of your opposable powers!’”

4. “Why did the hand go to the artwork gallery? to provide the ‘thumbs up’ to some masterpieces!”

5. “Did you hear about the hand that went to the party? It was the ‘life of the finger-food table’!”

6. “What did one hand say to the other hand during a card game? ‘I’m ‘all in’ for a high five!’”

7. “Why did the hand move on strike? It wanted more ‘fingers’ in the workplace!”

8. “What do you call a hand which could’t prevent laughing? ‘Punny fingers’!”

9. “Why did the hand join the gym? It wanted to be ‘hand-some’ and fit!”

10. “What did the hand say to the face? ‘I’ve got a ‘hand’le to your silly antics!’”

11. “Why did the hand turn out to be a comedian? It had a ‘knack’ for handing over punchlines!”

12. “How does a hand wave howdy? With ‘palm-istry’ and exuberance!”

13. “Why did the hand need a vacation? It became feeling ‘hand-overworked’!”

14. “What did the hand say to the clock? ‘arms up! Time for some amusing!’”

15. “Why did the hand want to grow to be an actor? It had a ‘grasp’ on dramatic aptitude!”

16. “My hand is certainly good at making shadow puppets. It’s quite a ‘handle’!”

17. “What did the hand say to the face? ‘High five, buddy!’”

18. “Why did the hand go to the party? It wanted to ‘hand’shake things up!”

19. “Did you listen about the hand that went on strike? It desired ‘fingers’!”

20. “Why did the hand get promoted? It had a ‘ grip’ on achievement!”

Short Hand Puns and Jokes

Here are 17 Short Hand Puns and Jokes

1. My hand’s job at the glove factory was a hands-on experience.

2. What did the left hand say to the right hand? “I’m usually proper!”

3. If fingers may want to speak, mine might have plenty of finger-pointing to do.

4. The secret to a terrific handshake? A grip and a little bit of hand sanitizer.

5. My hand has a amazing humorousness. It’s always giving me a excessive five!

6. I will continually anticipate my hand to lend me a supporting palm.

7. The hand fashions at the jewellery store should definitely finger the first-class information.

8. I lost my left hand in an accident, however I’m all right now.

9. My hand went on a diet. Now it’s feeling a bit light-fingered.

10. A hand’s favored kind of tune? Heavy metal!

11. I used to be a hand version, however I end. I couldn’t deal with all of the fame.

12. I asked my hand the way it became feeling. It stated, “simply placing around!”

13. My hand is a big fan of palm analyzing. It’s continually itching to learn extra about its future.

14. The hand had a tough day at work. It turned into feeling a piece “treated” by way of the boss.

15. I by accident locked my hand within the vehicle. Now it’s feeling a bit trapped.

16. My hand usually cheers me up. It’s a actual hand-le of joy.

17. I lost my watch, but it’s fine. I can still rely on my hands to know the time..

One-liner Hand Puns

1. The situation got out of hand.

2. It was a handful of trouble.

3. Give me a hand with this pun.

4. I’m palm-ing my face right now.

5. They’re tight-fisted.

6. I can’t handle this anymore.

7. He gave me the finger.

8. I’m all hands on deck.

9. She’s good with her hands.

10. I need a handout.

11. He’s got itchy fingers.

12. Give me a high five!

13. He waved me off.

14. He’s got a heavy hand.

15. She’s hands-off with her approach.

Broken Hand Jokes

Here are 15 broken hand jokes for you:

1. Why did the broken hand cross to high school? It desired to learn how to supply a high five!

2. What did one broken hand say to the other?“Let’s give ’em a hand!”

3. Why didn’t the broken hand want to play cards? Because it didn’t want to handle the hand it was given.

4. What did the health practitioner say to the broken hand? “Don’t worry, I’ll assist you get returned reachable-les!”

5. How did the damaged hand sense after the forged become removed? It changed into fingers-down relieved!

6. Why did the damaged hand refuse to listen to tune? It couldn’t take care of the heavy-passed beats.

7. How did the broken hand win the race? It had a helping hand from the opposite runners!

8. What did the broken hand say when requested if it needed assistance? “Nah, i can take care of it unmarried-handedly!”

9. Why became the damaged hand continually invited to events? It knew the way to throw a smashing time!

10. What did the damaged hand say when it bumped into a wall? “I’m feeling a chunk palms-off today!”

11. Why did the damaged hand refuse to be in a band? It didn’t want to be known as the “band-aid” solution.

12. How did the broken hand sense when it noticed a 4-leaf clover? fortunate it didn’t need all 5 hands to desire upon it!

13. Why did the damaged hand become a detective? It had a knack for getting to the finger-prints!

14. What did the broken hand say when requested if it wished help with instructions? “No worries, I’ve got a GPS (greatly Painful Splint)!”

15. How did the damaged hand express regret for bumping into a person? It offered a “handshake” and said, “I didn’t suggest to palm you off!”

See also 110+ Bagel Puns and Jokes

Missing Hand Puns

Here are 15 missing hand puns for you:

1. Why did the musician with a missing hand become a drummer? He desired to lend a supporting beat!

2. Did you pay attention approximately the chef with a missing hand? He nevertheless managed to whisk up a few delicious dishes unmarried-handedly!

3. Why did the lacking hand go to the art gallery? It wanted to realize a few accessible works of art!

4. How did the lacking hand experience approximately its prosthetic? It idea it was a actual hand-y alternative!

5. What did the lacking hand say to the arm? “I’m actually itching to excessive-5 you!”

6. Why did the lacking hand soak up gardening? It desired to research the artwork of inexperienced-thumbing!

7. What did the lacking hand say when asked about its favourite sport? “surely palm ball!”

8. How did the missing hand deal with the state of affairs? It used its sense of humor to offer anybody an excellent palm-l!

9. Why did the missing hand grow to be a stand-up comic? It had some gripping one-liners!

10. How did the lacking hand navigate via the maze? It used its stump and accompanied the finger-trails!

11. What did the missing hand say to the glove? “I’m sorry, but this dating isn’t going to paintings. We want to present each different some space!”

12. Why did the missing hand begin a YouTube channel? It desired to reveal off its “hand-less” makeup capabilities!

13. How did the missing hand explicit its creativity? It took up finger portray!

14. Why did the lacking hand decide to jot down a e-book? It had a gripping tale to percentage!

15. How did the missing hand react to a magic display? It changed into left in awe, thinking wherein the magician made its hand disappear!

Best Dry Hand Jokes

Here are some dry hand jokes for you:

1. Why did the hand go to the desert? It wanted to give the sand a “high five” experience.

2. How do you keep your hands dry on a wet day? Use an umbrella in your fingers!

3. What did the dry hand say to the lotion? “I don’t want you, I’m already a clean operator!”

4. Why did the hand wear a raincoat? It didn’t need to get caught in a “hand-bathe”!

5. What do you call a hand that can’t get moist? A dry-ving force!


Hand puns offer a pleasing and lighthearted way to engage in wordplay and produce laughter to any situation. They may be used in informal conversations, social media captions, or maybe to break the ice in a set setting.

Whether or not you’re keen on smart wordplay or actually enjoy a great laugh, hand puns are certain to entertain and placed a grin on your face. So, next time you locate yourself in need of a piece of humor, don’t hesitate to whip out a hand pun and revel in the laughter that follows.

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