Fat Jokes

85+ Funny Fat Jokes and Puns That are Hilarious and Tasteful

Sharing jokes can be a fantastic method for building connections and enjoying ourselves. The jokes we choose often depend on our relationships and the situation. While fat jokes can be funny, it’s important to be sensitive, as weight is a touchy topic for many. If used appropriately and with people who appreciate them, fat jokes can add laughter to life. Here are some light-hearted fat jokes that can be used to playfully tease friends or loved ones who enjoy such humor.

Fat jokes have been adding laughter to life since childhood. It’s particularly amusing when you’re on the plumper side and can join in the jesting about yourself. Just make sure those you share them with have a good sense of humor and are comfortable with such jokes. Below is a collection of uproarious fat jokes you can use to strengthen your bond with friends.

Best Fat jokes

1. She was so substantial that theaters considered renting her buttocks as screens.

2. What’s the primary exercise for heavier individuals? Chewing.

3. It’s crucial for obese individuals to stay active, even if they’re in a round shape.

4. When she took her pants to the dry cleaners, they mistook them for curtains.

5. He was so overweight that he could socially distance from himself during the COVID-19 pandemic.

6. Why do hefty Romans prefer loose-fitting clothes? In Roman numerals, L is larger than XL.

7. Life resembles a box of chocolates; it seems to end sooner for fat people.

8. You might be overweight, but it’s not hereditary; it’s because your family doesn’t exercise.

Fat Jokes

9. What’s the French term every overweight American knows? Buffet.

10. Whenever someone calls me fat, I get so down I have to cut myself… a slice of cake.

11. He attempted to start a weight loss support group, but the name “Wide Loaders United”

Best Fat puns

1. You butter believe I’m on a roll!

2. My diet? It’s more of a “try it and diet” situation.

3. I’ve got a license to grill… and eat!

4. Donut worry, be happy!

5. My body is a temple… of snacks!

6. Let’s taco ’bout how I’m nacho average person.

7. I’m not chubby; I’m just a little husky.

8. I’m not fat; I’m just fluffy.

9. I’m not overweight; I’m under-tall for my weight.

10. They say I have a sweet tooth, but I prefer to think of it as a sweet tusk.

11. I’m not fat; I’m just living in stereo.

12. Life’s too short to say no to seconds!

13. I’ve got curves in all the right places… and some of the left ones too!

14. I’m not hefty; I’m just cultivating mass.

15. I’m not fat; I’m just expanding my personal space.

See also 140+ Funny Cheese Puns & Jokes

Jokes about fat bellies

1. What do you call a singing belly? An opera-tummy!

2. You know you’re packing on the pounds when your belly hits the laptop space bar as you take your shirt off.

3. How do you get a fat belly to laugh? Simply tickle it with a doughnut!

4. Why did the plump belly join a band? It wanted to be the tuba player!

5. Why did the belly keep getting into trouble? It couldn’t resist going back for seconds!

6. What’s a belly’s favorite part of a meal? The grand finale: dessert!

7. How do you bring a smile to a pudgy belly’s face? Through tickl-erobics!

8. Why did the belly aspire to be a comedian? It knew how to deliver a punchline!

9. How does a belly make friends? By offering everyone a slice of pizza!

10. Why did the belly become a motivational speaker? It wanted to encourage others to embrace their curves!

11. Why did the belly hit the gym? To get a little more “ab”-ulous!

Fat jokes comebacks

1. Watch out; I devoured the last person who dared comment on my weight!

2. The reason I’m not slender is because a smaller body couldn’t contain all this personality.

3. You know, things tend to expand when they’re heated. So, I’m not fat; I’m just sizzling!

4. Do you need a license to be that unattractive?

5. Thanks for the compliment. What time does your mom pick you up from daycare?

6. I could shed some pounds if I chose to, but unfortunately, you’re stuck with your lousy personality.

Fat Jokes

7. You’re evidence that evolution can indeed regress.

8. Maybe if you showed kindness to the next person, they might reciprocate.

9. I’m not fat; I’m abundant.

10. I bet you’re not even half as proud of your body as I am of mine. You ought to learn to speak with a bit more respect.

11. I’m sorry you’re hurting so much that yelling at a stranger seems like an acceptable outlet.

12. Body shaming isn’t cool, and neither are you.

One-Liner Fat Jokes

1. I’m not fat; I’m just storing up for the winter.

2. My scale told me it needed more space, so I’m upgrading to a truck scale.

3. My weight isn’t a problem; it’s gravitational artistry.

4. I’m not overweight; I’m just gravitationally enhanced.

5. My body is a wonderland, with extra attractions.

6. I don’t diet; I cultivate mass.

7. My love handles are just temporary storage units for excess affection.

8. I’m not chubby; I’m pleasantly plump.

9. I’m not fat; I’m just expanding my personal space.

10. My doctor told me to watch my weight, so I put it on YouTube.

11. I’m not overweight; I’m under-tall for my weight.

Funny and Cute Fat jokes

1. I’m not fat; I’m just a hug waiting to happen.

2. My curves are just extra love to share.

3. I’m not chubby; I’m cuddly.

4. My body is a temple… of snacks.

5. I’m not overweight; I’m over-enjoying life.

6. I’m not fat; I’m just pleasantly plump.

7. I’m not heavy; I’m just a little ball of sunshine.

8. I don’t have rolls; I have layers of awesomeness.

9. I’m not fat; I’m just extra squeezable.

10. My weight is just proof that I’m filled with happiness.

11. I’m not chubby; I’m deliciously round.

12. I’m not overweight; I’m just living life with extra flavor.

13. I’m not fat; I’m just maximizing my huggability.

14. My body isn’t a temple; it’s a cuddle sanctuary.

See also 210+ Funny Coffee Puns and Jokes

Fat Jokes for Instagram

1. When life gives you curves, flaunt them!

2. I’m not chubby; I’m just built for comfort.

3. Calories? Nah, I prefer to think of them as tiny love notes from food.

4. I’m not overweight; I’m over-blessed with charm!

5. They say laughter is the best medicine, but have they tried chocolate?

6. Why chase dreams when you can chase snacks?

7. I don’t diet; I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it!

8. I’ve got 99 problems, but my curves ain’t one.

9. I’m not fat; I’m just fluffy like a cloud.

10. Love handles? More like love huggers!

11. I’m not overweight; I’m under-tall for my weight.

12. Embracing my curves like a boss!

13. Why weigh yourself down with worries when you can lift up a donut?

14. I’m not fat; I’m just experiencing gravitational pull a little too strongly.

15. Life’s too short to say no to cake!


In conclusion, while fat jokes can be humorous when shared in good spirits, it’s essential to remember that everyone has their sensitivities. It’s crucial to gauge the audience’s receptiveness and avoid causing harm or offense. Ultimately, humor should uplift and bring joy, not belittle or hurt others.

So, whether you’re sharing cute one-liners or clever comebacks about weight, let’s aim to spread laughter without crossing boundaries. After all, a good laugh is always welcome, but kindness and respect should never be compromised.

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